Learn Spanish Grammar: Prepositions ‘por’ and ‘para’

When you learn Spanish grammar, one of the things that takes the longest to learn is the Spanish prepositions list. According to the Fundéu RAE, currently 23 prepositions are accepted in the Spanish prepositions list: “a, ante, bajo, cabe, con, contra, de, desde, durante, en, entre, hacia, hasta, mediante, para, por, según, sin, so, sobre, tras, versus y via.

When learning a new language, one of the main challenges is that the same prepositions are used differently in each language. In addition, a preposition in your native language can be equivalent to several prepositions in Spanish.

For instance, the preposition “for” in English can be translated into Spanish as ‘para’, ‘en’, ‘por’, ‘durante’ and ‘hacia’.  As you can see, Spanish prepositions can be… a nightmare!

Therefore, it is best to learn Spanish grammar step by step and with examples in context. In this article we are going to see, with practical examples, eleven uses of the preposition ‘por’ and six uses of the preposition ‘para’.

Let’s begin!

Learn Spanish Grammar: Preposition ‘POR’

The preposition ‘por’ is one of the most popular prepositions in the list because it has many uses: eleven.

Next, we are going to see each and every one of these uses, together with examples in their context, from the most basic of Spanish grammar to the most advanced of Spanish grammar.

1. The cause or motive of something

The main use of the preposition ‘por’ in Spanish is to indicate the cause or the reason for something:

  • No podemos dormir por el ruido.
  • Estudio español por mi trabajo.
  • Muchas gracias por tu regalo.

2. Parts of the day

The second use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the different parts of the day:

  • Me afeito por las mañanas.
  • Estudio español por las tardes.
  • Veo la televisión por las noches.

3. Approximate time or moment

The third use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate an approximate (not exact) time or moment in which you are going to do something or in which something is going to happen:

  • Voy a visitar a mi familia por Navidad. 

(They can be the days of Christmas or close to Christmas. The exact moment is not mentioned in the sentence.)

  • Mi hermano va a Italia por vacaciones. 

(It can be in July or August. The exact moment is not mentioned in the sentence.)

4. Frequency

The fourth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the frequency –  how often you do something:

  • Corro en el parque dos días por semana.
  • Tengo clases de español tres días por semana.

5. Space to cross

The fifth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the space you are passing through. In this case, you can also use ‘a través de’:

  • El tren de Londres a Edimburgo pasa por York. 

(El tren de Londres a Edimburgo pasa a través de York.)

  • El ladrón puede entrar a robar por la ventana.  

(El ladrón puede entrar a robar a través de la ventana.)

6. Approximate place

The sixth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate an approximate place (not a specific place) where you do something or where something happens:

  • He paseado por Central Park. 

(In Central Park or near Central Park.)

  • Vamos a cenar por el centro. 

(Somewhere in the city center, although I don’t know exactly which street.)

7. Movement in a space

The seventh use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate movement in a space, without saying exactly where:

  • Carlos viaja en autocaravana por Europa todos los veranos. 

(We do not know exactly which countries in Europe he visits: France, Germany, Italy…)

  • A mis tíos les gusta ir en barco por el Mediterráneo. 

(We do not know exactly which Mediterranean cities they visited: Valencia, Barcelona, Niza, Genoa, Pireo…)

8. Media

The eighth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the modes of communication (phone, email, Facebook…) that we are going to use to send a message:

  • Hemos hablado por teléfono.
  • Le he enviado las fotos por correo electrónico.
  • Me ha mandado un mensaje por Whatsapp.

9. Exchange

The ninth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate exchanges: exchanges with money (purchases) or exchanges among people and of things. Money exchange (purchases):

  • Compré mi coche por 10.000 euros.
  • Voy a comprar unas botas muy bonitas por 50 euros.

People exchange (replacing someone):

  • Antonio va a ir a la reunión por Marta porque ella está enferma.
  • Tengo que escribir un informe en alemán pero yo no hablo este idioma. Sergio lo va a escribir por mí.

10. Agent object of passive voice

The tenth use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the agent object, in the passive voice. In this case, ‘por’ is equivalent in English to ‘by’:

  • Este puente fue construido por los romanos.
  • La novela ha sido escrita por Gabriel García Márquez.

11. Distribution

The eleventh and last use of the preposition ‘por’ is to indicate the distribution of something among several people:

  • Hay un dosier por participante.
  • He repartido dos caramelos por niño.
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Preposition ‘PARA’

The preposition ‘para’ is also one of the most used ones in the Spanish prepositions list. It doesn’t have as many uses as ‘por’. However, native speakers use it all the time. Let’s see the six uses of ‘para’ from the most basic of Spanish grammar to the most advanced of Spanish grammar and some examples of using it in context.

1. Purpose

There is no doubt that the main use of the preposition ‘para’ in Spanish is to indicate purpose:

  • Estudio español para viajar por España y Latinoamérica.
  • Una sartén sirve para cocinar.
  • Vamos a Roma para ver el Coliseo.

2. Recipient of an action

The second use of the preposition ‘para’ is to indicate the recipient of an action:

  • Este regalo es para Sara.
  • La carta es para Francisco.
  • Es una película para niños.

3. Deadline

The third use of the preposition ‘para’ is to indicate the deadline to accomplish a task:

  • Tengo que terminar mis actividades de español para el lunes.
  • El informe es para mañana.

4. Direction to a destination

The fourth use of the preposition ‘para’ is to indicate the direction of a movement towards a destination:

  • ¿Dónde vas? Voy para casa.
  • Vamos para Madrid.

5. Concessive sense. Nuances of another phrase

The fifth use: concessive sense or nuances of another sentence. It refers to when we make a small clarification in a sentence. In this case, you can also use ‘aunque’:

  • Hace mucho frío para ser mayo. 

(Hace mucho frío aunque es mayo.)

  • Estás muy delgado para lo mucho que comes. 

(Estás muy delgado aunque comes mucho.)

6. Personal opinion

The sixth and last use of the preposition ‘para’ is to express our personal opinion:

  • Para mí, fumar es un mal hábito. 

(En mi opinión, fumar es un mal hábito.)

  • Para nosotros, Miguel de Cervantes es el mejor escritor español de la historia. 

(En nuestra opinión,  Miguel de Cervantes es el mejor escritor español de la historia.)

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Would you like to learn Spanish grammar?

Your Spanish Hub is a dedicated platform for you to improve your Spanish with online Spanish classes. When teaching Spanish prepositions, our native teachers have developed a step by step method for you to learn these prepositions and their uses, from the most basic Spanish grammar to the most advanced Spanish grammar in our Spanish Classes One on One.

If you want to learn Spanish grammar – or improve your Spanish in general – we can help. Get in touch now to book a trial lesson with one of our expert native teachers and start improving your grammar.

Me gustaría terminar con un consejo para ti. Para mejorar tu español, lo mejor es practicar dos o tres veces por semana, por la mañana, por la tarde o por la noche.

¡Hasta pronto!

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