To achieve correct Spanish grammar is one of the main goals and challenges for many students. An example of this is to differentiate and master the use of the two interrogatives ‘qué’ and ‘cuál’.
Let’s see where the difficulty lies:
- ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? El verde.
- ¿Qué color es tu favorito? El verde.
Different questions, which mean the same thing and can have the same answer. Confusing.
In our classes, these are some examples of the most common mistakes we see our students make in their learning process:
- ¿Cuál ciudad de España te gusta más?
- ¿Qué es tu comida tradicional preferida?
- ¿Cuál libro has leído este verano?
These three examples are real cases in which the interrogative used is incorrect. The correct grammatical structure is:
- ¿Qué ciudad de España te gusta más?
- ¿Cuál es tu comida tradicional preferida?
- ¿Qué libro has leído este verano?
In this article we are going to analyze the correct Spanish grammar of these two interrogatives that can be a bit tricky and you will see how at the end of your reading, you will be able to distinguish much better between the use of ‘qué’ and ‘cuál’.
Let’s begin!

Correct Spanish grammar: ‘qué’
Pay attention. We are going to study the use of ‘qué’ not ‘que’. The little tilde or graphic accent tells us that ‘qué’ is an interrogative. Therefore, the grammatical structures that we are going to see are questions and are used to obtain information.
1. Qué + ser
It is used to identify something:
- ¿Qué es esto? Es un regalo para Juan.
- ¿Qué es eso? Es una caja llena de libros.
- ¿Qué es aquello? Es un avión.
It is used to ask for a definition:
- ¿Qué es el gazpacho?
- ¿Qué son los mariachis?
- ¿Qué es la Pampa?
- ¿Qué son las torrijas?
2. Qué + verbo
It is used to choose between two or more different things:
- ¿Qué quieres, té o café?
- ¿Qué prefieres, carne o pescado?
It is used in open questions:
- ¿Qué estudias?
- ¿Qué tomamos?
- ¿Qué haces?
3. Qué + nombre o sustantivo
It is used to ask about what you like or about your preferences:
- ¿Qué libros te gustan más?
- ¿Qué deporte es tu favorito?
- ¿Qué color es tu preferido?

Use of the interrogative ‘cuál’
Once we have seen the correct Spanish grammar for the interrogative ‘qué’ we are going to see, in a similar way, the correct Spanish grammar for the interrogative ‘cuál’ in the singular and in the plural, ‘cuáles’.
4. Cuál + de
It is used to ask for information about people, animals or things:
- ¿Cuál de tus hermanas vive en Barcelona?
- ¿Cuál de estas ciudades está en Argentina: Tucumán, Guayaquil o Arequipa?
- ¿Cuál de vosotros habla japonés?
5. Cuál + verb
It is used to choose between two identical things that differ in shape, color, size, price, etc:
- ¿Cuál quieres, el reloj negro o el blanco?
- ¿Cuál prefieres, la maleta grande o la pequeña?
6. Cuál/es + ser
It is used to ask about your preferences:
- ¿Cuáles son tus libros favoritos?
- ¿Cuál es tu deporte preferido?
- ¿Cuáles son tus comidas favoritas?

Would you like to learn more Spanish grammar?
We know that mastering correct Spanish grammar is one of the biggest challenges when learning Spanish. We have verb tenses, prepositions, irregular verbs… and endless complex topics within Spanish grammar. But it is essential to practice, understand and “embrace” this part of the language because it is the framework or skeleton on which everything else is built. Visit our Membership Programme where you will find fantastic courses in the ‘Gramática’ category ordered by language levels (A1, A2, B1…). Each course lasts about 30 minutes and explains a specific aspect so that when you have finished it, you will master it perfectly. All our courses have a 10 or 12-minute video with the Your Spanish Hub teachers explaining the theory. They also have 4 or 5 self-correcting activities that you can do after watching the video to practice your grammar.
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